by mooie24 03 May 2011

Applique bow + flowers Hair clip holder.

Firstly I used Miss Veronikas fsl flower
but I stitched onto organza and velvet ribbon (first time for me stitching onto ribbon). then I stitched Miss Veronika's applique bow with tiny flowers
but before running the last outer colour I re-run the fist placement lines
laying my ribbons and floating another piece of fabric beneath the design
run placement lines again to hold altogether removed from the hoop, trimmed all then run the last outer colour.. and hoped it worked lol
I was really pleased with the results any my Alice has just spent 20mins
putting all the hair clips she could find on to it..lets hope it encourages her to keep them tidy now :-)
Big hugs from London
Maria xx


by shuede 07 May 2011

Very nice work!

by marthie 06 May 2011

Well done

by marthie 06 May 2011

Well done

by claudenicolas 05 May 2011

Beautiful, you are very creative

by noah 05 May 2011

looks wonderful!!carolyn

by cj2sew 05 May 2011

Nice job. Perfect for those little girls who can't find their clips.

by markus 05 May 2011


by dilceia 05 May 2011

Just beautiful!

by mysew1325 05 May 2011

very good idea... wish I made something like this when my 3 girls were babies..they had so much hair, they had tons of barretts and clips.. and ribbons

by sboo 05 May 2011

Great idea. Very Pretty

by rmj8939 05 May 2011

What a great idea.

by castelyn 05 May 2011

Maria, this is great. Well done. I bet any girl would love one of these in there bedroom. *4u Hugs Yvonne

by shirlener88 04 May 2011

Maria, this is sooooooooooo CUTE and happy to hear that your Alice is the that put all the clippies on the ribbons.

1 comment
mooie24 by mooie24 04 May 2011

Gosh I made it now Im not allowed to touch it lol..
she loves the touch of the velvet ribbon I used.. and now wants this on a quilt lol.. gosh..
Big hugs from london - Maria xx

by teun 03 May 2011

Sehr schön

by mooie24 03 May 2011

oohh just add the link if possible to the May 2011 challange I have also posted the links to the designs I Used there to :-) big hugs - Maria xx

by mooie24 03 May 2011

oohh just add the link if possible to the May 2011 challange I have also postd the links to the designs in Used there to :-)
big hugs - Maria xx

by highlandermom 03 May 2011

Love this looks great!

by gerryb 03 May 2011

Great idea & looks wonderful! Hope it works for the tidy thing! Let us know, if it does there will probably be hundreds being made!

by muflotex 03 May 2011

Neat dislay and great MV design

by sewensue 03 May 2011

Excellent! looks just great.

by spendlove Moderator 03 May 2011


by april22 03 May 2011

Wow,this is so beautiful,Great Job!!!!! *4U

by oaro 03 May 2011

This is beautiful project great idea Thank you for sharing